Simi Valley United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship 10 AM
Simi Valley United Methodist Church

Youth Ministries

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12

The Youth Ministry at Simi Valley United Methodist is a community of youth and adult mentors who gather weekly to explore and grow in faith together. We nurture relationships with God, with each other, and with our neighbors in our community and beyond. Youth take an active role in the leadership and guidance of this ministry. We believe that being a disciple of Jesus Christ is a lifelong process of growth and development that must be journeyed with others in a safe and welcoming environment. We welcome all youth in our community who would like to join us.



Our youth ministry has 3 areas of focus


We’ve got lots of opportunities to dig into God’s Word, apply it to your life, ask questions, have lively discussions, and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with others. Places we do that include:

  • Youth Group on Sunday Nights –faith-focused discussions and activities led by our Adult Workers with Youth (AWWY)
  • Sunday School–lesson and activities connected to the worship themes and Scripture readings.
  • Winter Retreat –a weekend retreat led by youth for their fellow students.
  • Confirmation Class–a semester-long class to explore your individual faith and calling from God.
  • Music Ministries–Youth Bell choir, Youth Praise choir and more
  • Worship–youth regular participation in the leadership of worship on Sunday mornings. Once a year, youth plan and lead a worship service themselves.


Everybody likes to make new friends and have a good time, so we also do lots of fun and

  • Game Nights
  • Escape Rooms
  • Pool Parties and Beach Days
  • Messy game Night
  • Superbowl and Oscar Parties
  • Movie Nights
  • Saturday Hiking
  • Celebration Banquet (end of the year award celebration)


The Great Commandment tells us to love God and love people [read Matthew 22: 34-40]. There are LOTS of ways to be in mission, ministry, and service to others.

  • Dinner Church –we serve dinner to those in need every 3rd Saturday here at the church
  • Spring Break Work Trip (Sr. High)–a variety of light construction ro repair work in Methodist camps and retreat centers or nearby churches and communities.
  • Appalachia Service Project (every 3 yrs.)–a summer trip to help build and repair homes in some of the poorest communities in the South.
  • Living Nativity –for over 40 years we have portrayed the story of Christ’s birth on the corner of Cochran and Erringer.
  • Youth serve in a variety of ways in our community events such as Trunk or Treat and Easter Egg Hunt
  • Faith in Action Project–youth officers create semi-regular opportunities to work together on projects that show God’s love to our community.

Sunday Evening

United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)
6:00– 6:30 pm –Dinner in Witman Hall

If you are willing to help provide a meal on a Sunday night, please reach out to

Todd or Mylene Goldman.
6:30– 7:30 pm– Faith and Fellowship program
*note–during the summer program hours are extended to 8:00 pm

Other Weekly Opportunities

Youth Bell Choir —Thursdays, 7:15-8:15pm in Chapel
Dinner Church—3rd Saturday, 4:00-6:15pm in Witman Hall

Current Leadership

Adult Workers With Youth
Mark Witman
Chuck McKee
Bonnie Bastain
Barbara and Paul Witman
Pastor Stacy Brooks

2021-2022 Youth Officers
President–Morgan Horney

Spirituality–Eleanor Harper
Care and Nurturing–Renae Hayden
Fun and Fellowship– Lizzie Platt
Service and Mission–Paige Huggins

Simi Valley UMC takes the safety of the children and youth very seriously. We follow Safe Sanctuaries® practices, which is our commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all of our children, youth, and adults.

For more information or to see a copy of our safe sanctuary policy, please contact the church office.
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