Simi Valley United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship
10 AM
Simi Valley United Methodist Church

Making a difference in our local community, our district, our state, our country and in the world. 

Come be a part! Make a difference!

With over 60 active women this is the largest group in the church.
We have 5 Circles with some meeting at night and others meeting in
the chapel or in homes. There is a circle for every womans needs.
Each circle meets once month as does the UWIF Board with several General Meetings scheduled every year.
We are proud to be one of the top highest UWIF groups in our
giving to our local UMC conference.
Each year we celebrate our existence with a WOMANS SUNDAY in
January…a MOTHERS DAY event in May…..our annual BOUTIQUE in Oct. and a CHRISTMAS MEETING with a program in Dec.

2022 Officers

President: Valerie Bergh & Joyce Martin
Vice President: Ruth Dempsey
Secretary: Sandy Stephens
Treasurer: Jeanne Corr
Spiritual Growth: Laura Hole
Program Resources: Christine Palotay
Social Action: Martina McRae
Membership: Linda Seck
Communication Coordinator/Publicity: Judy Thomson
Courtesy: Sheila Millard

Wayne & Eleanor Mongomery Scholarship: Bridget Elliott
Historian: Dee Tingstrom

Circle Chairs

Circle of Joy (2nd Wednesdays, 12:30 noon): Nancy Kinsinger & Sharlene Petersen
Circle of Faith (3rd Wednesdays, 11:30 AM): Valerie Bergh & Nancy Miller
Seekers Circle  (3rd Mondays, 12:00 noon): LaVaun Campbell & Joyce Harding
Teresa Circle (1st Thursdays, 9:30 AM): Bonnie Bastian & Ruth Dempsey
The Night Owls (3rd Tuesdays, 7:30 PM):Laura Jean Hole
Please check the current Herald for Circle details.


BOARD MEETINGS 1st Wednesday 10am in Gardener Chapel

GENERAL MEETINGS 2nd Tuesday every 4 or 5 months 6:30 PM in Gardener Chapel

Saturday, September 24 OUR CONFERENCE ANNUAL NORTH DISTRICT CELEBRATION. The theme is “Healing and Joy on our Journey with God” (Virtual Meeting

FALL BOUTIQUE Friday & Saturday October 14 – 15




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