Making a difference in our local community, our district, our state, our country and in the world.
Come be a part! Make a difference!
President: Valerie Bergh & Joyce Martin
Vice President: Ruth Dempsey
Secretary: Sandy Stephens
Treasurer: Jeanne Corr
Spiritual Growth: Laura Hole
Program Resources: Christine Palotay
Social Action: Martina McRae
Membership: Linda Seck
Communication Coordinator/Publicity: Judy Thomson
Courtesy: Sheila Millard
Wayne & Eleanor Mongomery Scholarship: Bridget Elliott
Historian: Dee Tingstrom
Circle of Joy (2nd Wednesdays, 12:30 noon): Nancy Kinsinger & Sharlene Petersen
Circle of Faith (3rd Wednesdays, 11:30 AM): Valerie Bergh & Nancy Miller
Seekers Circle (3rd Mondays, 12:00 noon): LaVaun Campbell & Joyce Harding
Teresa Circle (1st Thursdays, 9:30 AM): Bonnie Bastian & Ruth Dempsey
The Night Owls (3rd Tuesdays, 7:30 PM):Laura Jean Hole
Please check the current Herald for Circle details.
BOARD MEETINGS 1st Wednesday 10am in Gardener Chapel
GENERAL MEETINGS 2nd Tuesday every 4 or 5 months 6:30 PM in Gardener Chapel
Saturday, September 24 OUR CONFERENCE ANNUAL NORTH DISTRICT CELEBRATION. The theme is “Healing and Joy on our Journey with God” (Virtual Meeting
FALL BOUTIQUE Friday & Saturday October 14 – 15